Icebreaker Interview with Alexandros

28 April 2023Up Team
Icebreaker Interview with Alexandros

We are very happy to welcome to Up team Alexandros, our new Back End Developer! To get to know him a bit better, we asked him a few questions about himself and our team.

What inspires you at Up? ✨

I like her people-centric approach, the work environment in which we spend our working hours and the innovative look we have.

What do you like most about our offices? 😍

The lawn on the balcony! It is, I think, the best touch in such a neat space.

Tell us your hidden talent. We're sure you have one! 💗

I would say acting. At least all my friends say so.

What do you think is the secret of our team's success? 🌈

The combination of innovative products with happy employees. It definitely comes out to prospective customers, hence the success.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? 👏

If you want to do something, prepare the everything as best you can to achieve it.

What was the best holiday of your life? ✈️

I will tell my trip to Spain and my accommodation in Madrid and Valladolid. Certainly the company I had with me played a big role.

What is the song you can listen to all day? 🎶

"Saba for a Star" by Los Mujeros.

Do you have any guilty pleasure? 🤔

The french fries...

Is there a fun fact we need to know about you? 😋

I AM a fun fact but let's just say I really like disco!

Stay tuned as every week we continue to get to know more Up team members a bit better! Meet Alexandros_Facebook.png

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