UpFit: Our new wellness solution embracing a positive workplace culture

25 February 2020UpFit
UpFit: Our new wellness solution embracing a positive workplace culture

Our new wellness solution UpFit is launching soon, so we wanted to share our thought process behind its development and explain why it is relevant for you and every company out there.


Recent research has shown that workplace culture is the biggest barrier employees face intheireffort to feel healthier and happier. As the everyday reality for all of us is becoming more and more hectic, it is getting harder to achieve work/personal life balance and to make time for our physical and mental wellness. Professional and personal commitments can easily take priority over-exercising and taking care of oneself.

People have started to realise the above and are increasingly asking businesses to respond better to their changing needs. As stated by the Harvard Business Review, 60% of people report that benefits and perks are a major factor in considering whether to accept a job offer. This is particularly true as younger, and more demanding, generations are entering the workforce and are expecting to work on their own terms. This means that a positive corporate environment and culture is a necessity, and most importantly that health and wellness are increasingly becoming a top priority as well.

Keeping up with the changing workplace trends, needs and behaviours is a critical factor to distinguish leading companies within their sector. By responding to the needs of their employees, companies show that they want them to feel balanced and thrive.


More and more leading companies globally are already offering a number of wellness benefits to their employees. The European Union is also addressing this change by developing a framework supporting well-being in the workplace.

Businesses benefit as well! Exercising at work has been proved to be a great way to improve one’s professional performance. A Harvard study showed that the benefits of exercising aren’t just physical. Exercising also boosts mental abilities including creativity, enhanced learning, memory and concentration, which in turn results in a satisfied workforce, and increased efficiency and productivity for businesses.

Providing employees with an opportunity to connect outside of the formal work environment will also foster greater communication, synergy and stronger relationships. Strong teams function better as a unit, and will, therefore, produce better outcomes.

Not to mention the fact that employees will be motivated by their work peers not to miss out on a workout session!


Fortune Greece recently reported the top benefits employees are asking for and it was no surprise that health and wellbeing benefits came on the 8th spot. Our latest solution will support businesses all over Greece in responding effectively to this fast-evolving trend. We are proud to introduce UpFit: The most flexible and fun wellness benefit in Greece. Starting next week, you can join us and start offering your employees our fitness solution 💪

There is no need to be tied into one activity or to a specific location. Employees can pick something different every day, based on their mood and schedule, to exercise with their work peers and enjoy quality time together. The way it works is simple: All they need is the QR code on our UpFit mobile app and they can join any activity, at any partnering gym, whenever they want!

The Up Hellas team has been testing it for quite a while now and we can honestly say we love it, and we hope you will be as thrilled as we are about it 😍 Stay tuned, as more details are coming soon on how UpFit works and our partners. If you would like to find out more about UpFit, please get in touch!

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